Sharon Emslie, Head of Family Law at Blackhurst Budd Solicitors answers questions relating to the Coronavirus outbreak and co-parenting.

How do I co-parent whilst keeping my children safe during Covid 19?

Child Arrangement Orders made by the Family Court or agreements reached directly between parents or in mediation will generally deal with arrangements during school term and for school holidays.  However, the Covid 19 outbreak has plunged parents into unfamiliar and worrying times, with parents being forced to find the right balance between ensuring their children maintain healthy relationships with separated parents, but also stay safe.

How will school closures impact on child arrangements?

School closures are not school holidays and therefore any agreed holiday arrangements will not apply.  Parents will need to decide together how the children will be cared for whilst they cannot attend school.  Structure and routine are essential for children, particularly whilst they may be worried or confused about the impact of Covid 19. It may be that parents will decide to keep in place term time contact arrangements as far as possible.  One or both parents may still need to work during the school closure period.  Flexibility, compromise and communication will be key.

What if my child needs to Self-Isolate?

A child may need to self-isolate if they fall into the category of being a vulnerable person or they have Covid 19 symptoms (or another person in their home does).  A child's health must take priority in this scenario, even if this means that the children will not see the other parent for a significant period.

Indirect contact in this situation would be vital and could take the form of telephone calls, FaceTime, Skype or email - technologies which most children are familiar with and may already use to keep in touch with their separated parent.

I don’t live with my children - how will I see them if there is complete lockdown?

If the government announces complete lockdown it may be that physical contact between children and their separated parent will cease entirely for an unknown period, which will be upsetting for parents and children alike. It may be that contact between children and separated parents would be deemed to be essential contact and therefore permitted. However relationships can be maintained indirectly as set out above. The health and welfare of children must take priority.

Most parents will be able to co-parent effectively throughout this difficult period. However, there will be parents that find it difficult to co-parent under normal circumstances and Covid 19 could exacerbate an already difficult to manage situation.  As a last resort an application for intervention by the Family Court can be made.

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